May 3, 2024


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Tip: Tags

1 Posts
1 Users
Dale Ross
Illustrious Member Admin Registered
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Sometimes you can have so much content to work through it is hard to find what you want. In the days of paper - we're getting past that right? - you didn't take all your paper and throw it into a single drawer? Or did you? You use File folders to separate things out; you put the folders into a drawer in a cabinet; Further, you put dividers in the draw separating the file folders. You may have had multiple drawers in a cabinet and who knows, maybe many different file cabinets.

That can kind of get you close to what you're searching for. But if the file folder has a lot of papers in it; there has to be other markers. Maybe those were sticky notes?

There are several concepts in the new site, that existed in the old site but wasn't used heavily; those are, tags and categories. This post is about tags, since that is something that you can control when you create a new topic. When you create a new Topic, at the bottom of the post you'll see an area labeled "Topic Tags". Here you can place up to 5-tags. when users see your topic they can click a tag and have ALL topics with the selected tag appear for them.

For example: each of this Tip: topics I've created have one tag "Tips". You can click that tag and ALL topics that contain that tag will be found.

You could put School name as a tag, conference as a tag or anything else to help quickly find stuff.

I'll post screen shots later. I'm close to burning out...

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